Benefits of Choral Singing
Singing is good for you emotionally, physically and socially. It's a great workout for your lungs, heart and circulation.
Singing is very important for children; an inclusive activity whereby all children can be equal and connected.
Singing helps children's memories. Practising musical patterns and rhythms helps form neurological pathways, with huge implications for children's learning.
Certain songs connect us to our cultures, our pasts and give us a sense of belonging. Singing songs from different cultures helps children to develop international awareness, and is an excellent means of understanding different cultures and traditions.
Preparing for eisteddfods/concerts not only requires the discipline of attending weekly rehearsals, but it also develops the skills of listening, concentration, teamwork and developing confidence. Choirs bring people together with a sense of purpose and belonging to create music and communicate in ways that words can't.
Singers develop breathing techniques to create phrasing and musical expression. This has many physical benefits, but it also transports the singer to another level, to a place where they no longer think about their day-to-day worries.
Choirs truly know what teamwork means. Preparing for concerts and performances requires dedication, discipline and commitment. Through choral singing students develop self-esteem, confidence and the ability to communicate with each other as well as an audience. There is such an elevated sense of achievement during the rehearsal process when harmonies and the music come together. Singers learn to listen, concentrate and think
creatively. These traits make for lifelong learners.
It’s a proven fact. Children who study music have better grades, on average, compared to children who don’t. Unfortunately, singing along with the radio or karaoke tapes of their favourite pop songs isn’t going to cut it. Music is highly mathematical (surprise!), and increased exposure to a structured program of musical study develops and expands the part of the brain that does maths. Language and social skills also see a marked improvement, and who wouldn’t like to give their students a ‘leg up’ in the learning department?